The Crucified Life
"I have been crucified with Christ..." Really now, were you there when they crucified my Lord? Of course not! What does Paul mean by that bold statement. It is interesting to note that excruciating means literally out of the cross. Here our English language has been impacted by the cross. The cross is a reality, the cross of Jesus Christ is central to Christianity. One of my friends preached a sermon once entitled, "That Bloody Gospel" and you only needed to have view Mel Gobson's "The Passion of The Christ" to know exactly what I mean. Some found it repulsive, yet not even Mel's computer graphics workers could quite picture the original scene... It is clear from Scripture that life is in the blood, and that there can be no remission of sin without the shedding of Blood. An animal had to be killed to cover the shame that Adam and Eve felt for the first time when they sinned. It began there, rather it began before the foundation of the world, for ...