Let's Major In The Minors

Let's Major In The Minors? Really now? Teddy Jones offers us a trenchant analysis from God's word spoken to the prophet Obadiah centuries ago. Obadiah is one of these so called minor prophets and to make matters worse his writing contains only one chapter. The same is true for the four other Bible books that are only one chapter long. This has caused these books to be largely ignored as minor and not having much spiritual value. Pastor, Lecturer, Mentor and Theologian, Teddy A. Jones shows how inaccurate this perception is by pointing out in this exposition series that, although these books do not perhaps provide much in the way of a biography of each author – the content of what they spoke was not only vitally important to the peoples of that era, but they also raise very major issues that are absolutely relevant to believers today, thus the need to major in them and debunk the prejudicial nomencalture of minor. Teddy Jones is adamant that the message of the one chapter a...