
Showing posts from February 23, 2014

How to get Free Bitcoins

Get Free Bitcoin and Litecoin Now - Just For Joining! You may have by now heard the term BitCoin .  It is exploding and will grow exponentially this year!   Do you already have a bitcoin address?  If not you can open create from here or here .   Coin base, the second option I just gave you is an exchange system that receives and holds your Bitcoins for you!  Coinbase opened in June, 2012, in San Francisco, and they already have 846,000 consumers, and 21,000 merchants. Once you have created your Bitcoin Account you can now sign up at this firm, QoinPro , and get free Bitcoin daily, every 24 hours.  Refer people over there free, and you get even more.  Go get some Bitcoin, as this digital currency may end up in the long run more valuable and usable than the US dollar.  Did you miss buying loads of gold and silver before it got too expensive?  It is not too late to get Bitcoin, now is the time, and get it at no cost.  One g...

Discipleship For The Long Haul: Building Through The Power of The Holy Spirit

A STORY TO ILLUSTRATE THAT DISCIPLESHP IS FOR THE LONG HAUL :   I went to pick up my passport and visa from the French Embassy here in Kingston. Afterwards, I stopped to get some lunch and catch up on some emails! As I sat waiting for my order I saw an email from someone, one of my sons, who I had lost touch with for over five years now! Tom Stoke (name changed), was a talented football (soccer) and basketball player. Bill (name changed), the coach of the soccer team said to me one day, "Dad, you need to take that young man under your wings!" And so I did! Little did I know the pain and frustration it was going to cause me over the years but now JOY inexpressible!!! I think it is fair to say that I have never tried harder to mentor someone who had so much potential but equally resisted what I tried to teach and show him! For Tom, there were always two issues: GIRLS/WOMEN (you can guess the rest) and an overwhelming fear of giving his life to Christ lest he backslide l...

The Service of Hiddenness

Membership in a   service   organization like the   Kiwanis Club   provides regular   opportunities   for   service   to others, regular reminders of the call to think more of others and less of self.  It would perhaps seem redundant to address such an august body as this at a time of thanksgiving on matters of servant   leadership   and humility. It is however also true that as humans our propensity to lose sight of our core values, the temptation to dilute our core ethos will forever be with us and therefore reminders are never to be spurned.  Someone  has rightly said that the greatest of all faults is to imagine you have none.  The first of our two Gospel readings espouses us to a deep rooted humility and invites us to question our motivation for doing good deeds.  The second is a bit more problematic, perhaps may even have a repelling effect on some.   “Suppose one of you has a servant plowing or ...