Explosive Anger

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path”
Psalm 119:105 (NIV).
“Living From the Eternal Perspective”
A Devotional From

PATHH Ministries
Monday, January 17, 2011
Explosive Anger!

By Teddy A Jones

TEXT (Col. 3: 6)

6It's because of this kind of thing that God is about to explode in anger.[MSG]

It is on account of these [very sins] that the [holy] anger of God is ever coming upon the sons of disobedience (those who are obstinately opposed to the divine will [AMP]

6It is because of these sins that God’s anger comes on those who refuse to obey him. [GW]

In his typical style of writing Paul adds information to make the case for the disciple who has been united with Christ to live from a heavenly perspective. We are to exercise the licence to kill bearing in mind that those who indulge the flesh are in mortal and spiritual danger of the gravest kind. It is very possible to become so enamoured by the allures of the flesh that one becomes obstinate, stiff-necked and hell bent on opposing the divine will, albeit in the name of pleasure, a good time, money, prestige or other thrones.

The works of the flesh that we are charged to execute without mercy are among the many deeds of the sinful nature which fly in the face of holiness. They are an affront to the very nature of God. Sometimes we trivialize sin, and the human has an immense capacity to rationalize his own wrong. The human who has never heard a word of training from law school easily rises to his/her own defence, with a performance at justifying their actions that makes the cast of “Law and Order” look like toddlers.

In our efforts to return the favour to God and make Him in our image we choose to accept the loving, merciful God, and reject the ‘Wrath of God’. We do so to our own peril and it would serve us well to accept that holiness is composed of both love and punishment in an inseparable mix. This explosive (yet just) expression of the divine character against sin is certain and definite.

Something to Meditate on:

Do I take God’s mercy for granted?

A decision I need to make

Write a paragraph, a note to yourself on what the wrath of God means to the way you live your life.

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