Study In South Africa


                       P. O. BOX 25, STELLENBOSCH, 7599, SOUTH AFRICA

Tel: +27 21 887 0212 or Cell: +27 84 413 9699
Fax: +27 86 565 7496


Dates:    26 July 2012 – 19 October 2012

Venue:   Bergkroon Camp Site, Wellington, South Africa

Contact person:  Mrs Zalhelia Blick

Final date for application:  31 March 2012

Cost:      US$ 6000 (including the contribution of US$500)

All leaders accepted for the training must contribute US$500, even if a scholarship is granted.

Costs include accommodation, food, training and travel to South Africa.  It excludes expenses for personal needs and visa application.  Limited scholarships are available on request.

VISION:  To see communities and nations in Africa and the world transformed through a new generation of Christian leaders.

MISSION:  To empower emerging leaders to facilitate sustainable transformation towards healthy reconciled communities based on biblical principles.

- To serve the body of Christ internationally
- To transform communities for Christ
- To optimally build on community’s assets
- To develop sound community transformation ethics


Preparation phase: Rooted in the church and community necessitates & dreams, this stage helps students prepare for tasks linked to the residential curriculum and for their return after training.

Incubator phase (12 weeks): the residential part of the program. Sharing life with colleagues from other over 20 countries, attending engaging sessions facilitated by international experts students have an amazing opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as to learn how to be more like Christ and how to become a community. Topics addressed during these 12 weeks include:

1.              Leadership:  servant leadership, leadership styles & levels, motivation, influence, emotional intelligence, self-leadership
2.             Biblical foundation and worldview: e.g. Biblical worldview, Biblical foundations, integrated prayer towards community transformation, theology of transformation, spiritual disciplines.
3.                    Strategic Design & Management:   e.g. organisational development (administration, governance, budgeting, fundraising, human potential, and proposal writing), project cycle management, people management.
4.                   Holistic Community Development: Understanding development, the dynamics of poor communities, concepts, models, principles, approaches, tools, impact of globalisation, church response to community needs and practical field work, etc.
5.                    Special Topics - Approaches & Tools: HIV/AIDS, youth development, job creation, CYCAS (Children, Youth, Community And Sport), gender
6.                   Relationships & Synergy: Trust, transformation of marriages, parenting and families, transformation of relationships, team dynamics, team building, partnership, networking, facilitation skills, conflict resolution and reconciliation and intercultural studies
7.                    Personal Transformation: Calling, identity, personal analysis and profiles, problem solving, decision-making, time management, communication, motivation, dealing with loss, active learning, prioritizing, etc.
8.                   Transformation in the Market Place: Leading & influencing within sectors: politics, government, business, education, media, arts, environment and agriculture.
9.                   Tiers, Paradigms & Theories in Transformation: Holistic transformation, globalization, healthy eco-systems, transformation of values, transformation of systems, transformation of institutions, transformation of culture, etc.
10.                 Empowerment and Multiplication: Discipleship, mentorship, training of trainers, compassion days, electives etc.
Electives: based on their interests and gifts, students can choose to study more in-depth one of the following modules:
¨       Train the Trainer - including learning styles, adult education principles and techniques, facilitation practice etc.
¨       Coaching training – learning & practicing the skills & principles of life coaching;
¨       Conflict resolution and cooperation training – learning how to facilitate, mediate conflicts and also how to facilitate contexts & relationships so that people will work together


Assessment: As a follow-up to the program, it is essential to apply and further assess learning (to receive a certificate of graduation).  Participants will be required to submit a ministry plan before the end of the incubator phase and several papers focusing on aspects of the implementation of the ministry plan and how their service will impact their community when they return home. 

Curriculum notes
Especially during the residential part of the program a major emphasize will be placed on:
·         a participatory training method which leads to an innovative learning environment where knowledge is gained, insight and ideas developed and applied with the assistance of peers and specialists;
·         the role of economics – students will be empowered towards financially sustainable projects, income generating activities and job creation;
·         combining theoretical framework with practical applications and/or implications during the sessions facilitated;
·         the intersection of faith and social action on a daily basis.

Lecturers:  We have assembled a team of some of the most highly sought-after and respected lecturers and experts in related fields worldwide.

Evaluation Method                                                             Marks
1. Pre-Course Assignment                                                  5
2. Peer Evaluation                                                               20
3. Ministry Plan                                                                    20
4. Staff Evaluation                                                               10
5. Assignments                                                                     30
6. Final exam                                                                        15
                                Total                                                       100

Requirements for admission:

1.                    young adults, 23 – 35 years old who,

2.                    have at least matriculated from high school

3.                    have complete commitment to honouring Christ and furthering His Kingdom

4.                   demonstrate Christian faith and commitment

5.                    have the necessary leadership potential and competency to facilitate a significant service project in their community

6.                   have shown vision and passion for community transformation through practical social change initiatives

7.                    have the ability to communicate (speak, read, understand and write) in English

8.                   are willing to send requested reports to the ALICT office during the next 5 years

9.                   have a passion for their local community

10.                 It is of primary importance that the training you receive will be implemented effectively in your context on your return.  The support you will get from your church and/or others will determine the influence you will have as a community transformation facilitator.  We require that:
a.        You have a commitment from the leadership of the church that gives you support (and/or the ministry network that you are involved in), that they will support you in implementing what you have learned in the training in the next five years
b.       You stay connected to the community development, ministry and transformation networks in your country.

11.                  ALICT does not provide finances to pioneer or sustain your ministry or for your personal needs.  It is important that:
a.        You do not expect any future financial support for personal or ministry purposes
b.       You will have a financial sustainable income for your personal needs and for the ministry (in other words that you will not depend on your ministry to provide you with an income)

12.                 Have a passport or apply for one immediately and apply for a visa to South Africa at least 1-2 months prior to departure for South Africa.

13.             Send your application form and the two reference forms to the office by e-mail by 31 March 2012.

14.             Depending on sponsorship received, a 30% of your financial responsibility is due by 1 June 2012.  The  balance is payable on your arrival at the training centre.  Please inquire about account details should you prefer to make payment before your arrival.

To get application forms and reference forms you may contact Teddy Jones at 876 826 1500 or by email:   Skype: ghettopriest1


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