
Teddy was tired.
He was returning from a physical which his girlfriend ordered and he finally had given up fighting her.
What the doc had just told him was chilling.
Lose 50 pounds in the next year or you will be dead.
When he returned home, his girlfriend was gone as well.
After years of living together, Glory decided that today would be the final straw.
But why today?
Hadn’t Teddy complied with her wish that he finally take charge of his weight problem?
The fact is that Teddy had no idea what to do.
And he was still 100 pounds overweight and now he was without the woman he loved so much.
Dr. Mudd was a waste.
What was it with American doctors who recommended you lose 100 pounds and then shoo you out of their office.
Were all doctors personality drop outs?

Did they have such a difficult time getting along with others that their only choice, if smart enough, was to enter the field of medicine?
Teddy was depressed and all he felt like doing was sleeping.
He finally awoke in a filthy apartment and realized there was no food in the house.
Teddy craved chocolate and Cheese Doodles and Coke to was it all down.
He went across the street to Uncle Wiggles where he could get in and out without people gawking at his girth.

He was at the counter when all hell broke loose.
Tina, the brunette cashier was shaking and motioning for Teddy to leave the store.
Teddy would not leave without his stash.
Two skinheads were robbing the store and they had no patience for Teddy and his cravings.
They grabbed Tina as a hostage and rifled through the register and jammed the bills in their jeans.
Teddy blocked the doorway.
Tina was screaming and the situation was tense.
The taller youth who was called Bones, waved the gun at Teddy.
Get out of the way, fat boy or both of you will be dead.
His skinny companion, who was called Stick, kept urging Bones to put a bullet into Teddy.
Waste him, Bones. Shoot him twice. He is so fat, you might have to empty all your bullets.
It was a life threatening situation, but what kind of life did Teddy have.
All he could think of was saving Tina and getting home safely with his Coke and Cheese Doodles.
Stick was yapping again.

Stick him, Bones. I hear sirens. Let’s get the hell out of here!
Bones made one last try.
This is your last warning fatty, move your fat butt.
Just then, Tina screamed and broke away from Bones, running for cover.
Teddy tossed his 2 liter Coke at Bones and Bones shot it out of the air as if it was Skeet shooting.
The thieves raced to the parking lot and into an old Camaro with a bumper sticker that said WHATCHA LOOKING AT?!!!

Tina rushed into Teddy’s arms and then screamed.
Blood! Teddy! You have been shot!
Teddy realized the Cheese Doodles would have to wait.
He saw the room began to spin and seconds later he lost consciousness.
Teddy woke up in the hospital and Tina was in a chair beside his bed.
He asked for some water and three nurses fought each other to bring it to him.
Tina came over to the bed.
She looked different than she had in the store.
She was wearing makeup and no glasses and Teddy thought she looked beautiful.
All he could manage was a throaty whisper.

Did they catch those boys?
Tina smiled broadly.
Teddy loved her smile.
You’re a hero, Teddy.
She showed him the newspaper.
The headline made him laugh and he let out a howl because it hurt to laugh.
I had been laughed at since the 3rd grade so why should today make a difference.
Somehow it just did.
Maybe it was Tina who seemed like someone special or maybe it was the fact that I had done something heroic or maybe it was just time.
I decided then and there that today was going to be the day.
And then maybe because I sent that message out into the universe, Tina was there to give me the plan.

Tina had been working with a company called Skinny Body Care.
They marketed a diet pill which was getting great results all over the world.
Tina had an idea.
She would put me on a conference call and challenge people to join the fat boy turned hero on the way to skinny.
Tina had been doing these conference calls for a few months now and she was waiting for a star.
She kissed me and told me I was her star.
Things were looking up.
Dr. Mudd needed to clear me for release.
You lost a lot of blood, Teddy.
Teddy nodded.

You also lost a lot of weight.
That was a good thing.
How much weight, doctor?
I would say 30 pounds.
Teddy smiled.
He was well on his way.
The conference call was fun.
Tina interviewed me and I talked about my long term addiction to food and the bad habits which led to my obesity.
By the time of that first call, I had lost 10 pounds on Skinny Fiber, so my overall weight loss was 40 pounds.
I was 40% to my goal and that was exciting.
Having a partner like Tina was exciting as well.
On that first call we met Aalok, an Indian marketing specialist who told us he had heard about our story and wanted to make a difference. He claimed to be most experienced in direct sales marketing.
Tina said that if Aalok, which meant “light” was credible, it would be an accelerator to our business.
She said that finding even one catalyst to the business could make a ripple effect which would produce geometric results.
In a couple of months, I had lost another 15 pounds and there were
1200 people in our business.

Tina and I were now very much in love.
I started to throw away clothes I would never wear again.
Everyone wanted to take my picture.
Life was good.
Life was great!
The amazing thing was how easy it all was.
The Skinny Body Care weight loss system and my sales team.
Hundreds of people have followed my story from that very first telephone conference.
Are you our next sales leader?

Written by Steve Tarde and Teddy Jones

Note: Steve Tarde is a writer and writing teacher based in San Diego, California. If you join Skinny Body Care, I am going to give you $500 off my creative writing one-one on line coaching. But you must act today!


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