Time To Major In The Minors

Let's  Major In The Minors - Rev. Teddy A. Jones
Published Nov. 30, 2018 by TLZ Publishers. 110 Pages
Available in Paperback and Kindle on Amazon

Major In The Minors! You saw that right, "Let's Major In The Minors". The popular advice, and contextually good advice, is "Stop Majoring In The Minors!" This book reverses the script by challenging us to debunk the notion that the brevity of the 5 books of the Bible that have only chapter relegates them to a lesser place of importance. These books though 'minor' contain major messages. In fact this is an invitation to ponder the idea that given their brevity there is a clue to be pursued.  The pearl inside this oyster is the fact the weighty theological themes and Biblical core matters they highlight indicate clearly to us their importance to God who inspired the writers.  In other words, it is as though God said, "I have one chapter to send a clear message about my nature and character, so here goes..." With that said Let's Major In The Minors!

This is a work which has been adapted from a sermon series on the  "5 One Chapter Books of the Bible" for the radio programme, "The Grace Hour" aired on RJRFM94  of Jamaica in the secon half of 2014. These sermons were to be no longer than 11 minutes [based on the programs's airtime of 15 mins], hence the short chapters of this book.

I was inspired back then to prepare a series of messages on the five Bible books that have only a single chapter.  Obadiah, Philemon, II John, III John and Jude are the five one chapter books of the Bible. Upon closer examination of their content one can't help but notice that they are equally potent as any of the more lenghty book. They are packed with the same major clues into the nature of God's essential character. They echo the same kinds of warnings that the companion books with considerably more chapters declare. Their brevity should never be mistaken for superficiality.

This is the thought process behind the twisted title, LET'S MAJOR IN THE MINORS.We need a major study of and a major commitment to the apprehension and application of the truths contained in these minor books.

It is my earnest desire to see us become better humans, and thus better citizens by taking on board the major messages contained in these short books. May we henceforth decide that in these major matters we will major even though they are contained in a minor medium.

Book Description: Teddy Jones offers us a trenchant analysis from God's word spoken to the prophet Obadiah centuries ago. Obadiah is one of these so called minor prophets and to make matters worse his writing contains only one chapter. The same is true for the four other Bible books that are only one chapter long. This has caused these books to be largely ignored as minor and not having much spiritual value. Pastor, Lecturer, Mentor and Theologian, Teddy A. Jones shows how inaccurate this perception is by pointing out in this exposition series that, although these books do not perhaps provide much in the way of a biography of each author – the content of what they spoke was not only vitally important to the peoples of that era, but they also raise very major issues that are absolutely relevant to believers today, thus the need to major in them and debunk the prejudicial nomencalture of minor. Teddy Jones is adamant that the message of the one chapter authors is relevant for the church today, and hence re-introduces these important books of the Bible to contemporary Christians. It is Ideal for use as a textbook as well as for personal study and corporate Bible Study. The popular advice, and contextually good advice is, "Stop Majoring In The Minors!” This book flies in the face of that advice.

Let's Major In The Minors reverses the script by challenging us to debunk the notion that the brevity of the five (5) books of the Bible that have only chapter relegates them to a lesser place of importance. These books though ‘minor’ contain major messages. In fact, this is an invitation to ponder the idea that given their brevity there is a clue to be pursued. The pearl inside this oyster is the fact that the weighty theological themes and Biblical core matters they highlight indicate clearly to us their importance to God who inspired the writers. Indeed, these “minor” chapters of the Bible present some major themes from serious spiritual leaders and thinkers‒issues of justice… and balance for the poor and downtrodden, true righteousness as opposed to institutional formalism, and living boldly and unapologetically for God in a hostile world…This work adds qualitatively to serious Christian thinking and application. This book pulls no punches and offers us no respite from dealing with injustice and other evils .

It confronts and challenges us, as God would, to treat with the issues of our times as He would! This work on the books of Obadiah, Philemon, Second and Third John and Jude represents a most important choice of subject from the rarely preached on sections of the Old and New Testament. Christians ignore sections of the Old and New Testament and these one chapter books are among some of the most neglected parts of the Bible. Majoring in the Minors focuses on Obadiah’s themes such as “overkill” and what Teddy Jones calls passive and possessive oppression. It focuses on the sin of pride in all the ways in which it presents itself in the life of persons including God’s people. It warns of the dangers and deadly venom of pride. It talks about relationships and an antidote to social sicknesses as it explores Philemon and the Johannine corpus and Jude. Some of the issues identified in this exposition are: injustice, pride, unfaithfulness, hypocrisy, corruption, the dismantling of slavery, hospitality, and arrogance.

About the Author: Rev. Teddy A. Jones is a son of the Caribbean having roots in Trinidad, Grenada and Jamaica. He is deeply committed to Caribbean Theology  and is a budding Public Theologian . He is married to Latoya Berry Jones with whom he parents Zaken'Asiel. "Building Dreams Watering Visions Nurturing Ideas"captures his credo of serving God by helping persons to become all that they can and should be. 
Reverend Teddy Jones presents this work from a refreshing perspective. Indeed, these "minor" chapters of the Bible present some major themes from serious spiritual leaders and thinkers - issues of justice and balance for the poor and downtrodden, true righteousness as opposed to institutional formalism, and living boldly and unapologetically for God in a hostile world.
The messages of these life transforming chapters are as fresh today as when they first uttered them.
Rev. Jones reminds us in this timely work that God takes the minor chapters in His narrative to us and saturate them with principles marking His heart for us. This work adds qualitatively to serious Christian thinking and application. - Rev. Napoleon Black, Founder PATHH Ministries|Pastor Maverley Gospel Hall

Teddy Jones has done a brilliant job in highlighting 5 books of the Bible rarely preached from or discussed which contain "weighty theological themes" as he writes. It is indeed true. The discourse on pride was quite enlightening. The entire book will challenge every Christian to walk humbly before God and be our brother's keeper. The issues delineated are current and relevant and discussed in a simple but profound and scholarly manner. It's an easy read but will cause you to dig deep to apply the content and make a practical difference in the world as champions of justice, righteousness and love. Every Christian should read this!- Cameka Ruth Taylor, Author, Publisher, Life Coach

Rev's Online Contacts are listed below.

Home Page: TeddyAJones.com

Facebook: @IamTeddyAJones

Twitter: @TeddyAJones

Instagram: @letsmajorintheminors


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