Christ In The Ghetto

The Spirit of the Lord God, YHWH, was upon Him. The Spirit anointed (empowered, consecrated, designated) Him to preach good things, good news, news that would make them skip for joy. EXTra EXta EXtra read all about it. A land of people who lived in darkness, where not even dogs roam the street at nights for the instincts have taught them that their woof woof tail wagging friends went outside, there was a loud noise and spot lay on the ground, not moving not even a whimpher. A land barricaded, lanes narrow and dark, lined with rusty zinc... covered with a dark darkness. A darkness that enveloped them in a soul clenching, biting grip.

Devoid of the voice of God, reminiscent of the darkness which existed in the begining. Oh the joy that fills the soul when this good news enters the heart. For it is not a news that is new, it has rang out from the 'modda' with head wrapped and bell clanging and word King James version in her hands in the square at 'four roads', up the avenue, gully bottom, top gully, Belgium, Vietnam... It has rang out from the well known voice of Elder Kerr at Bending Close, it has rang out from tents, and corners under a street light...But the news hasnt entered the heart.

He came so that those in darkness can see a great light and a greater light there can never be for He is The Light of The World. The sun is brilliant because of Him.

He was anointed to return sight to the blind. No more groping around, fumbling, stumbling. The eyes of Bartimius beheld light. Light came to the windows of the soul that had been starved of this life force. Some were blind from birth, and didnt know that which we take for granted everyday, the joy of sight! What is a fact is that those who were blind saw when He touched them! The recovery sight that He came to give also has a spiritual dimension. The gravity of spirtual blindess is starkly evident in the ghetto... Maybe it's a ghetto because of the blindness, for some are too blind to see that they are their own worst enemy. My eyes ( oh thank God they aren't blind) neither dwell I any longer in darkness... My eyes behold blindness to the delitirious effects of drugs, primarily marijuana, the so called wisdom weed, based on a spurious claim that it was found on King Solomon's grave. Blindness to illicit sex (incest prominent, promiscuity high, HIV infection allegedly high, teen pregnacy rampant, carnal abuse and knowledge the order of the day, 'after 12 is lunch'), blindness to lifestyle diseases, blindness criminality- I'm not sure if I will live to see tomorrow, living in this town of conflict and sorrow, bodies lay cold as gunmen strike bold and the wicked people work is taking off like an arrow )(words of a popular song of 1993-94). Darkness flees at the entrance of light. He that the Son sets free is free indeed. My eyes have also beheld those who received sight as the light of Christ flooeded the hearts. Seasoned murderers, addicted ganga and cigarette smokers, promiscuous males, who feaerd neither man nor God. From being ready to kill and go to hell to bcecome Satan's lieutenant to 'a God me a deal wid, when me did out deh a buss gun me neva hide, me neva shame so now me a choose God way me nah hide, who waan chat or laff me nuh business... Only Christ could have done that....


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