Christ In The Ghetto...Flowers Garden
I pushed open the zinc gate, there they were. Two boys without shirts, and a cute little girl. She smiled brightly as she saw me and I called to her. He was nowhere in sight, then out of nowhere he appeard behind me, with a knife in his hand... and in the other a flower cutting that he had acquired from one of the neighbours.
His scarred face lit up as he saw me, "Wow superintendent, you come see me busy man!" He had gone in search of more flowers to add to his garden. To the unsuspecting passer by, it would seem as though some meticulous granny with nothing but her precious memories lived there.
There where once was the haunt of men that would scare a demon from hell at night if he crossed their path. Men who can loan and shoot a rifle before you could say run! Men who blew sensemilia smoke in circles and rings like an international truck struggling Mt. Rossa. Men who knew no easy life, men who never expect to live pass 21.
Now the yard is brimming with flowers that he has planted, cleabed of rubble and junk. Looking like a home. The two boys who are used to sitting on a high fence or the roof top as they looked all around to see if 'babylon' was coming so they could tell daddy to hide. The two boys now eagerly ask me the time, why? because they want to know if its time for them to go to school.
Its because Christ came to this ghetto, Christy came t this heart...Christ broke the chains.
His scarred face lit up as he saw me, "Wow superintendent, you come see me busy man!" He had gone in search of more flowers to add to his garden. To the unsuspecting passer by, it would seem as though some meticulous granny with nothing but her precious memories lived there.
There where once was the haunt of men that would scare a demon from hell at night if he crossed their path. Men who can loan and shoot a rifle before you could say run! Men who blew sensemilia smoke in circles and rings like an international truck struggling Mt. Rossa. Men who knew no easy life, men who never expect to live pass 21.
Now the yard is brimming with flowers that he has planted, cleabed of rubble and junk. Looking like a home. The two boys who are used to sitting on a high fence or the roof top as they looked all around to see if 'babylon' was coming so they could tell daddy to hide. The two boys now eagerly ask me the time, why? because they want to know if its time for them to go to school.
Its because Christ came to this ghetto, Christy came t this heart...Christ broke the chains.