Give To Everyone Who Asks You?

Give till it hurts! Can giving hurt? Should it hurt? In the famous sermon on the mount Jesus teaches us that we are to give to everyone who asks of us. We are to give even more than they ask of us. We read of the Macedonian church, who gave beyond their ability to give, we read of the Galatians who regareded Paul with such love that they would have plucked out their own eyes to give to him if it were possible. Can giving hurt? Should it hurt. I wonder if there is any one living in Jamaica today who can say that a day goes by (while they're out and about- not locked away in a house)- that they are not met by a beggar who is doing just that begging. From the boys and the stop lights, to the ones staggering in the New Kingston Parking lots, to the ones on the street corners kneading a spliff in their palms(who somewhere think that every male that they approach has a child since they address you as fadda or dadz), to the ones who come knocking on office door or ringin the buzzer, beggars are everywhere.

Yesterday I was overwhlemed by the sheer weight of persons who are asking for money. Working in the ghetto more and more lately I have realized that in the short 5 minute drive that it takes me to get from home to the church I am flagged down countless times and just about every person who stops is asking for some money- for food, bus fare, phone cards etc etc. It sometimes is relieving to truthfully be able to say " me nuh have none" or to take refuge and say "me nuh ave no change." At the end of a given week, if truth be told and all the 'gifts' are added up I would have doled out over $1000.00. For once it kinda got to me. Sometimes I have $200.00 left in my name just enough to buy some gas and someone comes along with a request that just touches the heart and I can't help but dip in my pocket. But sometimes like yesterday it just depresses me.

Some don't want to work, some can't find a job, some are just in deep deep need. I love working where I work but sometimes I just feel so helpless. Some don't know when last they had a good hot meal. Mackerel and rice is a delicacy, a rarity for some. Giving does hurt sometimes...


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