270 Days of Promise

The gestation period is approximately 270 days long for humans. For the average woman who is pregnant that is 270 days of promise. 270 days is quite a lonmg time... a long time to endure all kinds of changes in the body, pain, nausea, dizziness, strnage and strong urges for various food items, cravings of unusual stuff...

A mother, God's crown of creation. Thank you Mamma for the 9 months you carried me! I love you mamma. You did it mostly on your own, but you did it proudly. We didn't always see eye to eye but we did it together. Through all the tears, the days of little, the tears of losing my brother Leroy, the hassles of in and out of the hospital with Sally and Jude, the many visits to the doctor with me, the many diagnoses of liver problems and heart problems and ear problems and hearing aid needed and kidney problem, the many times we had to just hold on in faith and reject the doctors' report and walk in faith before Jehovah Shammah. Mom you are the best.

The many nights you plead the Blood of Jesus over us mamma, the many mornings when sleep was sweetest when you came into the room and laid hands on us and prayed a mothers prayer. Mamma I love you. You are my greatest fan. Thank you for accepting the call of God on my life for ministry, thank you for the many times your fingers bled as you grated coconut or the many times your muscles ached as you grind the mill to get some money to send me to school and to send to Jamaica for me while I was at JTS, mamma the many times you encouraged me when I felt like giving up.

Bless you mom!


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