Of Dreams and Visions

Scientist tell us that that once we enter into REM(Rapid Eye Movement) sleep we dream each night, its just that we dont always recall that we had a dream. Dreams can be very very embarassing to say the least and bothersome.

I find that dreams are for the most part a subject that very little is know of. With all kinds of theories as to their origin, interpretation, and meanings. Some have made major life changes as a result dreams, some have become depressed and suicidal as a result of dreams. Some make a career out of dreams.

Dreams have also been used by God to speak to His people, this is quite frequent in the OT in particular. In my own experioence I have had dreams that were very vivid, and shortly after awakening, I was given the interpretation by the Holy Spirit. Other times its not quite clear. This morning I awoke at 3:11 a.m, having had a very disturbing dream. I am still praying through the interpretation of it. I am almost complete in my assessment and it is disturbing as it has to do with something I had been suspecting for some time now with some of the members of my church. I pray for wisdom from Him to deal with the situation.


Yu turn Joseph and Daniel,hahaha Mi just did a guh ask yu weh yu a dream dream bout:-)Anyways man God will give you the wisdom to minister to His people.

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