The Dean of Hurricane University

Hurricane Dean, the dean of discipline, the dean of natural disasters schools? Dean was described by one Weather channel meteorologist as a well organized storm and a text book kind of storm, with very tight circular motion around a very well defined eye, with wide outer bands. He described it in excited tones, then his voice became somber as he all but said that Jamaica could not miss being directly hit by this one. The local ones stopped just short of saying that only God can divert this one. There are many who have buried God, so the very thought of God diverting a hurricane would seem preposterous to them. They would laugh at th every thought. When Ivan diverted, we were told that there was a high pressure ridge just north of Jamaica, which pushed Dean south of us. I wonder what they will find to excuse away the divine hand of God's mercy this time. Maybe there is a permanent high pressure ridge over Jamaica.

Thank you God for watching over us and sparing us in your mercy again.


Hey bro, love your blog. The "Dean" was being directed by the "Master". Praise God

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