Of Confessions and Betrayals

The Jamaican press has spent some amount of time reporting on the confession of the Police Officer who confessed to fabricating evidence a few years ago in a murder investigation and trial. The move was prompted by the officer becoming a Christian. For his actions he has been branded as a traitor and a breaker of the code of silence which apparently officers take in training that they will stand by their word once given ( irrespective of the veracity of that spoken word). it would seem that he has become somewhat of a pariah among some of his colleagues. Something just strikes me as being very wrong about all of this. I shared a few thoughts on the matter in the gleaner

We have a culture in which those who take a stand for justice and what is right are held up as the trouble makers, the bad ones, the informers. Criminality thrives and flourishes in that kind of environment for the criminals even count on the silence of the people. I say that there is the need for much more of this kind of courageous stance.

O how I pray that corruption at all levels including in the church will be exposes, that people will admit to the blood that are on the hands, pay back the monies of public funds that they have robbed etc.


Anonymous said…
Hey Pastor J;

I understand where you are coming from irrespective of not knowing the full details of the story. However, is it not in the bible that you need to obey your master [those set over you?] In this case, you think he has done the right thing in the best interest of aiding to alleviate any further such happenings? When one signs that document of secrecy, should one be allowed to go back on it just because they have changed? Was it a case where person(s)incarcerated could be freed because of this revealed information? Who is actually benefiting? Is it just this person's conscience being completely set free?

I am not sure what's the real take on this? Especially when you are of the belief that there are some things better left unsaid allowing God to deal with individual(s) from a personal perspective... I had to sign something of the sort with the Ministry of Agri and I will be
duly punished if I repeat stuff that went on there, as this was a legal binding thing we were not forced to sign but must sign if we intend to take that job. It may be different, I am not sure but I am just trying to understand here. After becoming a Christian should one go in details to the public purse to confess our sins or is it ok to be acknowledged as one advocating for a changed life from there on out and just ensuring that you walk right from there on out. Is rehashing the past really necessary in this magnitude? I tried to link to the story but was not able to access it. My thoughts... I am up for a detailed discussion on this, anytime. I just want to justify this act of righteousness, it may be profitable for me later on.

Bless you lots. Have a great and Godly day.


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