A place where I can share honestly and openly the thoughts that run through my head. Whether they be a poem, a song, a sermon, a presentation, or a cry!
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When I was much younger, growing up as a young Christian my church ( a trinitarian pentecostal) held regular open air crusades. One of the favorite choruses had these words, "I'm going on towards my mark, towards my goal... so many lives depend on what I do , give me the strength Lord, I'm going on for you." How often does this pride defying and back to reality realization hit you? That what you do can and will affect so many lives? I came across two items today that brought this painfully home to home to me. One was an email with a link for a video entitled "Because The Children Are Watching" Take a look at the movie (I hope the link works for you). The other was an article in the Wednesday Star ( Click on the title of the article posted here)- by Blacka, Jamaican comedian, in his column " Blacka's Box)- If you cant get a hold of the star or find it online then please send an email to: hit-me-back@hotmail. com and ask Blacka to email the articl...
The Jamaican press has spent some amount of time reporting on the confession of the Police Officer who confessed to fabricating evidence a few years ago in a murder investigation and trial. The move was prompted by the officer becoming a Christian. For his actions he has been branded as a traitor and a breaker of the code of silence which apparently officers take in training that they will stand by their word once given ( irrespective of the veracity of that spoken word). it would seem that he has become somewhat of a pariah among some of his colleagues. Something just strikes me as being very wrong about all of this. I shared a few thoughts on the matter in the gleaner We have a culture in which those who take a stand for justice and what is right are held up as the trouble makers, the bad ones, the informers. Criminality thrives and flourishes in that kind of environment for the criminals even count on the silence of the people. I say that there is the need for much more of ...