Work Smart and Live Smart in all 360 Degrees of Your Life

Do you ever wonder if all the choices in your life were the right ones for you? I have asked myself a lot throughout my years and sometimes reflected on the what if’s and found the more I reflected on the “What could have beens” the more I felt unsure about my choices that I did make. There was a time that I would not let go of the bad choices I have made. I would dwell in the past to a point I would almost make myself physically ill. I had several “brass rings” thrown at me that I passed up. I was handed a modeling contract back in the late 80’s that I declined because my “boyfriend” at the time did not want me to travel. I gave up an opportunity to study at Juliard School of Music because my mother was afraid for me to live in New York City at such a young age. I gave up a chance to submit a recording to Columbia Records because I was scared. I gave up a lot of things in my younger years because I was either too afraid to face the challenge or was too busy making everyone else happy.

Then I started to realize the past is the past and not to worry about what I did or did not do, instead make the best of each day and the present and look forward to the future. I grew up. I stopped making excuses and started taking care of ME.

Having children puts a lot of things in perspective too. Everything I do in life is for them. Everything I do in my businesses my motivation is for them. I find it so funny that I am so much more motivated and in control now then I was in my twenties. Is it with age comes wisdom like we so often hear or is it my priorities have shifted and my focus is on my children and their well being? Or is it that I am just more naturally motivated to help others than I am to help myself ?

Whatever it is I have learned in life that we must work hard but also work smart. We all have lives but we can live smart too. What does all that mean? Well you can work smart by learning that working for a boss is not necessarily working smart. It is working because we have to. Some may hate their jobs but can’t change jobs for it is the only one they can get so they “deal” with it. Once I had my first daughter I was still in corporate America but the expenses of commuting and daycare were so ridiculous and I was working a home based business part time that in 2004 when I found out I was pregnant with twins I said to myself, ok, this is stupid, I can make more money and save more money working for myself than working for someone else. So, after 16 years, working at the same corporation, working my way up the corporate ladder, being in charge of a sales staff and wheeling and dealing multi million dollar contracts but never reaping the full benefits of those dollars and negotiating great terms for someone ELSE I finally had to fire my boss. I started that day, June 24, 2004, working smart. I didn’t leave without first weighing the pros and cons and sat down and checked the finances and knew that was the right course of action for me. If I didn’t have an alternate source of income I could not have done that.

How can we live smart? Well, we can make healthier choices. We can cut down on unhealthy sugars, processed foods, eat more vegetables and fruits. Exercise, both the body and the mind. Read more for stimulation of the soul and the brain. Relieve stress by meditation, a warm bath or yoga. Get control of our eating habits. Cut down on breads. Drink more water and cut out the soft drinks.

Sometimes people that have done all of the above still seem to lack something. Something that goes beyond eating right and eating healthy and still need an extra boost for energy, or need help sleeping, or could use a little boost in their sexual stimulation.

There is a company I have had the pleasure to recently been introduced to that is helping people solve that extra ”something” they are still lacking. They have a product that enhances what you are already doing,whether it is taking a daily vitamin, eating green vegetables, getting your daily dose of the appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals in fruits,fish, chicken, nuts etc. This product that is odorless and colorless simply gets sprayed into your mouth and within a couple of minutes rejuvenates the red blood cells and opens them up to absorb the vitamins and minerals we are already taking but helps the body absorb them faster, thus more of these essential nutrients wind up in our system as opposed as being flushed out as waste. I have seen this in action and it is amazing to me. The product’s essential ingredient is called Zorbmax and has been developed over the last 80 years.

This Zorbmax is so powerful that they then used it to create a natural sleep aid, a weight loss product, a natural energy booster and a sexual stimulation enhancer. I am probably missing a ton of other things this is used in but I know where you can go to do a little research on it yourself if you would like. You can go to and have a browse.

In the coming weeks I will be my own testimonial with the difference in energy levels and fatigue after starting on the mist and related products.

So in a nutshell I have found a way to start living smarter by making the most of what I was doing already, eating well and taking my vitamins, only now most of the nutrients will be staying IN my body not getting flushed away!

Be well my friend, I want you and I to be around for many many years to come.


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