Living Ready

LAMPLIGHT DEVOTIONAL GUIDE“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” Psalm 119:105 (NIV). “Living From the Eternal Perspective”A

Devotional FromPATHH MinistriesDATE:Thursday February 17, 2011
HEADINGLiving Ready
By Napoleon Black

TEXT (1 John 2:28)And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming. NIV

And now, dear children, remain in fellowship with Christ so that when he returns, you will be full of courage and not shrink back from him in shame..

And now, children, stay with Christ. Live deeply in Christ. Then we'll be ready for him when he appears, ready to receive him with open arms, with no cause for red-faced guilt or lame excuses when he arrives. Message

Those who live with the eternal perspective understand the fact that one day The King will return. The fact is that at His return all those who belong to the Kingdom will meet Him at the diplomatic reception room, as it were.

The tragedy is that some will feel deep shame and guilt at His coming. Why will this be? Because they have lived without regard for the principles of the Kingdom, without the purposes of the kingdom in view. This text is not addressing unbelievers, but those sent out into the world to represent Jesus and His Kingom to the world.
Failing to live with the perspective of the fact that Jesus will be coming back will leave unnecessary shame and guilt for some. The simple solution is that those who belong to Him keep in step with Him.

Something to Meditate on:

Living for the King creates behaviour change

A decision I need to make

What evidence is there in my life that I am ready to meet Him?


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