Telling Off God


“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path”

Psalm 119:105 (NIV).

“Living From the Eternal Perspective”

A Devotional From

PATHH Ministries


Thursday, February 21, 2011


Telling off God

By Napoleon Black

TEXT (Num. 11:1)

Now the people complained about their hardships in the hearing of the LORD, and when he heard them his anger was aroused. NIV

The people fell to grumbling over their hard life. God heard. When he heard his anger flared. Message

AND THE people grumbled and deplored their hardships, which was evil in the ears of the Lord, and when the Lord heard it, His anger was kindled Amp. Bible


Being a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ assumes accepting everything He sets forth as the way to live. It assumes that we will accept the decisions that He makes over our lives as individuals as well as over the wider community in which we function.

Being a believer too includes trusting Jesus, loving Him, believing that in the things He decides both by what He sets out in our purpose and what He permits or allows remain under His control and in our interest. It assumes a confidence that God is not cavalier with our lives, but that He takes our lives very seriously.

If we take this view about God then there will be no space for complaining against God. Complaining against God shows some level of lack of trust in Him in His judgement and raises the question of the integrity of our relationship with Him.

Something to Meditate on:

Complaining against God builds a wall of doubt

A decision I need to make

Are my circumstances bringing me closer to God or are they pushing me away from Him?


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