EpxBody Team Review

At some point, and with some object, we will all eventually begin to see less of it, even though we “see” it everyday.
Take this example: You pass by the same painting in your hallway everyday. For most people, life is rushed. Too often our attention is focused on getting to the door and heading out for work and chores. The painting fades and fades from your vision until it simply blends in with the wall paint. Time erases the fact that you were obviously very enchanted with this painting when you decided it deserved a place in your home.
The ah-ha moment comes when one day you and the object again meet square on. It may be a heirloom, a chandelier suspended above the dining room table, or even a photograph of a parent. You stop, stare, get reaquainted, and then realize how strange it is that you forgot the wonder and importance of it .
The same thing begins to happen to our marketing focus when we become overly wrapped up in the science of product ingredients, working with negative people, and always looking for the magic bullet that a certain MLM guru will share with you for only $29.95.
Your focus should be on all of the exceptional benefits created by the talented and experienced network marketing minds at EPXbody. Write them down, place them near your phone/PC.
Let’s recap this amazing, industry-best, list:
$1000 a Month Income Guarantee
Products that WORK
Up to $10 per Pound Lost (an MLM and diet industry FIRST!)
50% Fast-Start Checks
Guaranteed $40 Monthly Check with 4 Personals (that’s a whopping 25% commission)
$1000 a Month Prize Drawing selected from the GETEPX system’s visitor list (beat that!)
$600 Bonus when your total group volume reaches $5000 ( additional bonuses up to $50,000)
$100 a Week for the most compelling product/EPXbody Challenge testimony
25% Matching Checks on those you sponsor
50% Commission on Retail Sales
FREE Marketing System
Products with the highest quality ingredients at industry-low prices
No product over $39.95 (compare at up to $70+)
FREE Healthy-Living Guide and EPXbody Challenge
Take a minute each day to review your list for a clear vision of just how awesome this opportunity is. You will start each day with a renewed enthusiasm and the excitement you felt your very first day as a new EPXbody family member.
7 Ways To Get Paid
Fast Start Bonus! Earn a 40% cash bonus every time you sign someone up with any product purchase. * 25% to 50% of the CV will go into the matrix for the upline Fast Start for Trainer and Executive packages is 30%; 50% goes into the matrix for the upline.
Customer Bonus! Earn a 40% cash bonus on every product purchase a customer makes. ** 25% of the CV will go into the matrix for upline.
Guaranteed Minimum Check! Get your product free by enrolling as few as four people.
Guaranteed Income! Sponsor 5 people within your ?rst 30 days and maintain at least 2 active for 6 months, and we guarantee that you will be earning at least $1000 per month or we will refund your money.
Monthly Commission! Earn commission on all purchases made in your entire group whether they are made by someone you personally signed up or by anybody else in your matrix.
Matching Bonus! Earn a 25% check match on everyone you personally sponsor and earn a 12% check match on 4 generations of Executives. Based on EPX Body 4×5 Hybrid Matrix.
Rank Advancement Bonus! Earn cash bonuses as you advance up the ranks.
Note: Commissions are calculated per month (1st – 31st) and paid out monthly on the 10th for the full previous month. Fast Starts are paid weekly. eWallet withdrawals are processed every Friday.


Teddy A. Jones said…
Breaking MLM News, I’ve been invited to take part in an extra ordinary development locally and internationally. I’ve just being indentified by EPXbody company located in Utah, USA, to operate as their Operations Manager for (Country goes here).

To effectively execute the requirements stipulated I will need 4 persons to form my Executive team locally to plan all activities with EPXBody Executive team - these four (4) Individuals will also formed my inner circle.

We are a part of a dynamic team and one of my first goals for my Executive Team is for all of us to achieve $10,000 in 3 to 6 months once the plan is executed as established – However the most exciting thing is that once you join – I am fully responsible along with the Regional Executive Coordinator to ensure your success as mentioned above.

The other amazing thing, and this you will hear for yourself in the video, is that the company is guaranteeing you that even if you have 2 persons active working the plan - and you’re not making US $1,000 per month by the end of your 6th month the company will reimburse you on request for 6 months expense to include products, and shipping cost.

The question you should ask yourself how would US$10,000 per month change my life and that of my family and friends? And what position would I be in to do those things that I only now dream about? Well the only how your dream is going to come through is if you “WAKE UP AND CEASE THIS MOMENT”

I have attached 3 videos below - two with the company’s President explaining the compensation plan - and the other which speaks to the company’s product and opportunity.

Compensation Part 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3QgtPh1Azg

Compensation Part 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dju3JLjWg0
Details on the products: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vD2qRQMg_s0

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