how to make money with paid to click site
You start to click ads.
Every day you should click all your ads.
Every day you should click all your ads.
As a Free member you have 4 Fix Advertisements that pays you 1c each.
If you are in a hurry some days you just click those 4 ads
and will earn 4c. But normally try to click all your ads
even if they give you $0.001 only.
You’ll have about 12-17 ads daily for $0.001 each so you can make
about 5.5 c daily.
If you are in a hurry some days you just click those 4 ads
and will earn 4c. But normally try to click all your ads
even if they give you $0.001 only.
You’ll have about 12-17 ads daily for $0.001 each so you can make
about 5.5 c daily.
I know that is not a big money but wait…
You should do this surfing every day. It dosn’t take more than 10-15 minutes.
You should do this surfing every day. It dosn’t take more than 10-15 minutes.
(If you are in other PTC programs you can do the surfing simultaneously to spare time.)
I know this part will be the most difficult for you and where more people fail.
Because you click and click every day and your earning is growing very slowly.
But be patient, and click anyway. Later you’ll be happy that you did it.
Because you click and click every day and your earning is growing very slowly.
But be patient, and click anyway. Later you’ll be happy that you did it.
The situation will change when your earning will reach $0.60.
If you click all your ads daily it will happen in about 10-11 days.
If you just click your 4 main ads for $0.04 daily it will take 15 days.
This is when Phase 2 will start.
Phase 2: For your first $0.60 earning you’ll rent your first 3 referrals.
In your “My Account” page click on “Rent Referrals”.
You’ll earn some additional money every time your referrals click their ads.
When you rent your fist referrals you should turn the AutoPay option to “Enabled”.
You’ll find this option on the top of the page clicking on “Rented”.
When you rent your fist referrals you should turn the AutoPay option to “Enabled”.
You’ll find this option on the top of the page clicking on “Rented”.
You should know that in ProBux we rent referrals for 30 days.
If we are satisfied with our referrals we can renew them for other 30-60- etc days.
If we are satisfied with our referrals we can renew them for other 30-60- etc days.
But it’s better and cheaper to use the AutoPay option
because this way we don’t need to re-rent our active referrals after30 days
but they pay for themselves every day when they make their first click.
We get 1 penny less that day but they remain 1 day more our referrals.
because this way we don’t need to re-rent our active referrals after30 days
but they pay for themselves every day when they make their first click.
We get 1 penny less that day but they remain 1 day more our referrals.
This is a very good option because this way only the active referrals remain in our downline.
On the page Re-Renting Referrals you’ll find some tips how we should manage our referrals,
which one to renew and which ones to drop.
It is important to read it before your first referrals will be near to their first 30 days.
which one to renew and which ones to drop.
It is important to read it before your first referrals will be near to their first 30 days.
With the help of your referrals you’ll reach your next $0.60 a bit faster.
Then you’ll rent your second group of referrals, etc.
Then you’ll rent your second group of referrals, etc.
You should do this till you’ll have about 200 referrals.
Don’t worry after a while together with your referral’s clicks
you’ll earn a higher amount every day so you’ll be able to rent referrals in bigger packages.
I know it is a very slow process at the beginning, but it will accelerate after a while.
Don’t worry after a while together with your referral’s clicks
you’ll earn a higher amount every day so you’ll be able to rent referrals in bigger packages.
I know it is a very slow process at the beginning, but it will accelerate after a while.
Phase 3: After you’ll have 200 rented referrals you should keep your money till you’ll have $80 in your balance. This moment you’ll be able to upgrade to Golden member for 1 whole Year.
As a Golden member you’ll earn more for your clicks and for your referral’s clicks too, your earning will double immediately, so with the same amount of referrals you’ll earn more and faster.
You’ll get 8 Fixed Ads daily instead of 4 for 1 cent each.
And you’ll earn $0.01 for your rented referral’s clicks instead of $0.005.
That will be a big change and progress.
At this point you’ll have 2 choices:
1. If you are very impatient and need urgent some money
you can withdraw your next $10-20 earning.
you can withdraw your next $10-20 earning.
2.If you are still patient and want to reach the $1000 monthly earning faster
you’ll use all your earning to rent more and more referrals.
When you’ll reach the $30 daily earning (that’s $900 a month) you can use the 50%-50% rule:
you’ll use all your earning to rent more and more referrals.
When you’ll reach the $30 daily earning (that’s $900 a month) you can use the 50%-50% rule:
You withdraw half of your earning and rent more referrals or/and re-rent your
old “good” referrals for the other half of it.
old “good” referrals for the other half of it.
You see this is a long and slow process but if you are patient and persistent you can reach it.
To this point I have spoken about your clicks and your rented referral’s clicks only. I haven’t mentioned yet that you could have direct referrals too.
If you are not good in referring members then you’ll need to invest
some of your earning to promote your link or your strategy
or use free advertising programs to get direct referrals
that will increase your earning dramatically.
some of your earning to promote your link or your strategy
or use free advertising programs to get direct referrals
that will increase your earning dramatically.
But don’t worry! With just rented referrals you can reach the $1000 Strategy.
I mentioned the direct referrals just to let you know that $1000 monthly income
is not the highest amount you can earn with PTC programs. Look at the figure to the left here which I pulled from the FAQ section of the site by entering the possible options of membership level, number of referrals and number of clicks per referral.
I mentioned the direct referrals just to let you know that $1000 monthly income