how to make money with crowd funding

This review is about Next Level Africa Crowd Funding.  It's a new business about Crowd Funding where you can get backing or funding for a project, a book, a movie, a business, a video, an idea, poetry, a trip on a shuttle, your favorite charity, your church, the hungry, mission projects, etc, etc, etc........ OR, you just market the firm for income with me HERE. This is an excellent way to earn residual income.

What is Crowd funding? Crowd funding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.

Crowd funding is used in support of a wide variety of activities, including disaster relief, startup company funding, inventions development, scientific research, charities, and civic projects in fundraising efforts.

Crowd funding models involve a variety of participants. They include the people who propose the projects to be funded, and the crowd of people who support the proposals, and a company (the "platform") which brings together the project initiator and the crowd.

Some of the better known existing Crowd funding platforms are:
KICKSTARTER - Money pledged by donors is collected using Amazon Payments. Kickstarter takes 5% of the funds raised. Amazon charges an additional 3–5%.
INDIEGOGO - The site levies a 4% fee for successful campaigns. For campaigns that fail to raise their target amount, users have the option of either refunding all money to their contributors at no charge or keeping all money raised but with a 9% fee
ROCKETHUB - RocketHub charges 4% of funds collected, plus 4% payment processing fees, if the project is fully funded, and 8% plus 4% payment processing fees if the project does not reach its goal.

We  have a complete matrix in our first 2 hours, from soft launch on the 11/5.2014

By using the one link we can have every member earning some serious revenue.

Think about this.

A member signs up today….by the time that member has been in this program for just a $15 start up cost.
After 12 months that member could:
Upgrade all the way to package size 7…
That would cost $11,200 all from a $15 investment.
Now that $11,200 …$8,000 goes to other members.
My point is 100 members today could generate $800,000 paid to the members in NLA.
A thousand members today could generate $8,000,000 paid to members.
We have had 2,000 members  join the program today so far…We are 4 hours old.
You do the maths on that…
You Pay Only $15 Once Per Year ($10 + $5 admin fee)
All Further Package Upgrades Are Through Your Earnings NOT FROM YOUR POCKET
No sponsoring requirements to benefit from the comp plan!
1. For $10 Per Year ( + $5 admin fee ) You purchase Package 1 and are qualified for 3 sales earning you $30,

2. For $20 Per Year ( + $5 admin fee ) You purchase Package 2 and are qualified for 9 sales earning you $180,

3. For $100 Per Year ( + $25 admin fee ) You purchase Package 3 and are qualified for 27 sales earning you $2700,

4. For $500 Per Year ( + $100 admin fee ) You purchase Package 4 and are qualified for 81 sales earning you $40,500,

5. For $1000 Per Year ( + $500 admin fee ) You purchase Package 5 and are qualified for 243 sales earning you $243,000,

6. For $7000 Per Year ( + $1000 admin fee ) You purchase Package 6 and are qualified for 729 sales earning you $5,103,000,
This one is easy!  GET IN HERE NOW NOW!!!


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