Get Paid To Help The Underpriviledged In Your City

Charity Fundraiser opportunity to change Lives !!

What is Your Passion ?   Have you ever given this question much thought ?  I bet you have, and I trust you know the answer and can implement them successfully.
It has been said by a wise man, that if you do NOT stand for something than you will fall for everything?

Throughout the world, their is a growing trend by many concerned people that they can make a difference.  A positive difference in their own communities, with making a profound difference with the underprivileged, disabled and with homeless people in their community, town, city, state, and nation.
What if their was something YOU could do to make a HUGE positive difference in other peoples lives ?  What if you could also be a a position to help yourself and your loved ones, both spiritually &  financially at the same time?  Would you take the appropriate ACTION to do so?  
This VIDEO Presentation is a must see for " Our Mission Message " to make sense. 
When ever you hear of someone who is hurt in an accident and they are looking to raise money for their medical costs, or you hear of someone in your community that is trying to raise funds for women that has been abused or children that have been bullied than we have a incredible fund raising solution for them. 

The Homeless, Relatives in Dire Financial Need for Hospital Bills, Churches, Charities, Children's / Adult Fundraisers, Businesses and almost any Fundraising Event Can be Accomplished By Using the Life Without Limits Instant Payment System.
Their is a tremendous business wrapped around this amazing fundraising system, all you have to do is be open to learn all about how it can work for your particular fundraiser.
It will be my pleasure to help assist you with the fundraiser cause you have in mind.  So please call me or text me and I will get back with you to share how it ALL works.

If you have NOT already done so please STOP reading this email now and watch this very important video production. .

By watching this very informative video, it will illustrate to you that what we really have before us is an opportunity that has a huge purpose. That purpose is so very important these days because what it truly represents is a systematic way we can forever alter the traditional ways that most Charities, Churches and Fundraising have been raising funds.

The LWL system has some very unique and powerful components to it that makes it so much more appealing because it has a built in financial incentive to it for both the donors, volunteers, staff and creates new member incentives.

What the LWL system actually does is it Empowers each participant financially to promote more effectively and it has a long lasting fund raising potential that ignites people’s attention towards the fundraising proposition. This fundraising potential lasts for long periods of time, not for just a single event but the earning potential is unlimited and is continuous.

So as you are moving forward with the people you have in mind to share LWL, please keep in mind to also always be searching for large groups that have a loyal member base and for business partner candidates that are attached to any type of fundraising cause, both large and small.

The LWL system has a very fast payment system attached to it. The payments are all paid by Pay Pal Instantly and the new member only pays out of their own pocket, $ 5.00. The rest of the income that is ever generated ALL comes from referrals.
So wth that being said, I like to offically coin the phrase “ Donaferrals “ which stands for Donate & Referrals.
So let’s do the math and preview just what we are speaking about here.

Everyone Comes in @ BRONZE for $ 5.00
Then Refer ( 5 ) to your Team, that is ( 5 x $ 5.00 = $ 25.00 ) You Just Made $ 25.00

Take ( $ 10.00 ) you made from your Bronze Referrals and Upgrade To SILVER.
You now are left with making $ 15.00.

Help the ( 25 Bronze ) Get to SILVER - You just made $ 250.00
Take ( $ 100.00 ) you made from your Silver Referrals & Upgrade To GOLD.
You are now left with $ 15.00 + $ 150.00 = $ 165.00

Help the ( 125 Silver ) Get to GOLD – You just made $ 12,500.00
You now have $ 12,500.00 - $ 100.00 = $ 12, 400.00 + $ 165.00 = $ 12,565.00

Help the ( 625 Gold ) Get to Platinum ( $ 500 X 625 = $ 312,500.00 )
Take $ 1,000.00 and buy into Diamond & make ( $ 3,125,000.00 )

I think it is clear that this revenue model can be quite lucrative. If we can get everyone to cooperate and have everyone follow the steps toward success than we can help all kind of fund raising groups become successful in a very brief timeline.
So, in conclusion I would like to share that hat we have here is a incredible way to help raise funds for very fast and no one is out of pocket more that $ 5.00.


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