The Powerful Life Without Limits Compensation Plan Explanation
Here is How The Life Without Limits Comp Plan Works
Your 1st Level members (frontline) are all the people I personally sponsor and I get $5 for their Bronze Level Video purchase.
When all your 1st Level Members upgrade to the next Level (Silver-Gold-Platinum-Diamond) will pay the Up line - The payment system searches up line and pays that member who has already upgraded for that particular product. ...
Your Front Line is BRONZE ... when they do upgrade to Silver-Gold-Platinum-Diamond the software searches your up line and when they decide to Upgrade it pay's the
Silver - $ 10.00 - 2 Levels Up..> Gold - $ 100.00Up 3 Levels Up > Platinum - $ 500.00 Up
4 Levels Up > Diamond - $ 1,000.00
* The Same Holds True For Your Own Position !
When any of these same people that are on our 1st BRONZE Level and they bring in someone, they ALL fall on your 2nd level, and when they upgrade to Silver YOU get paid $10.
Your Payments
1st Level - all the people you personally bring in will pay you $5 for the Bronze Video Product.
Your 1st level members ALL fall on your Sponsor's 2nd level and when they upgrade to SILVER .. your Up line/Sponsor will receive the Silver $10 payment
Your 2nd level members when they upgrade to SILVER .. YOU will receive the Gold $10.00
Your 1st level members ALL fall on your Sponsor's 2nd level and when they upgrade to SILVER .. your Up line/Sponsor will receive the Silver $10 payment
Your 2nd level members when they upgrade to SILVER .. YOU will receive the Gold $10.00
Your 3rd level members when they upgrade to GOLD .. YOU will receive the $100.00
Your 4th level members when they upgrade to PLANTINUM.. YOU will receive the $500.00
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*** Everyone is PAID INSTANTLY ;0)
One strategy has been to place the heavy hitters as close to the TOP as you can.. so that they can help bring in other LEADERS who will build your organization down.
Imagine having 300 or 700 + people that are located on your GOLD, Platinum, Diamond Levels... on any given day they can possibly upgrade... that would mean that you would have 300 or 700 chances each DAY to make these $ 100.00 Bills - $ 500.00 Bills or $ 1,000.00 Bills .... WoW !!!
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Below Is An Example
These Funds You Would Have Coming To YOU on Any Given DAY !
Once These People Upgrade - YOU Get Paid INSTANTLY !!!
BRONZE LEVEL - $ 5.00 -- Per Upgrade
SILVER LEVEL - $ 10.00 - - Per Upgrade
GOLD LEVEL - $ 100.00 - - Per Upgrade
PLATINUM LEVEL - $ 500.00 - Per Upgrade
DIAMOND LEVEL - $ 1,000.00 - - Per Upgrade