Keyword Trading With Qkadoo

We are making money in qkadoo buying and selling keywords!!! Facebook cost 50 cents to the first Qkadoo member who bought it. Now (May 7, 2014) it is like $124. Someone made some big cash there. Google started at 50 cents. At the time of writing the owner had  it at around $33. It will definitely go up in price and someone will buy it

Okay to simplify how it works. 

 How Much Do I Make On Keywords?
There are many ways to earn once you own a Keyword.

1. Another member can buy your KeyWord from you and when they do you automatically will get a minimum 15% premium. Example: You bought your KeyWord for $10. They must pay you at least $11.50 to take ownership away from you.

2. When someone links a website to your KeyWord you get 50% of the amount paid.Example: A person pays $6 to add their website to your KeyWord. You will be paid $3.

With Qkadoo, the percentage is 30% and not 15%. So mo money here!
Also I don't know the percentage for linking to your keyword but it could be 50%,.

This is just to simplify things for you.
Understand buying and selling of keywords and just DO IT.
Then understand the links thing above, and you have won half the battle of understanding.

We do not own the words, Qkadoo owns the words - it is their Qkadoo Property, 

They pay us to manage the words, - We are their property managers

We pay a management fee to add the words we want to manage, the more content there is the more valuable the words are, and there will be ways to drive the value up on the words in the future with the linking and content -

Also Withdrawals will be available beginning on May 16th after they have the processors in place and money transferred to the accounts of the processors they are using.

As the platform is built out keyword managers will have the ability to work with linking of keywords and building of content.  The best advice at this time is to focus on keywords purchasing. that's it. slowly it will come to you when someone buys your keywords when the 'content' part is ready, then it will be big money time.  This functionality is expected to be rolled out during the week of May 12th, 2014.

What is content?

 Let us say that I  manage (cuz I bought it) a keyword phrase "credit card processing"
 I can LINK it to the website since that is what it is about.

But you, George, Mary and anyone can LINK any RELEVANT site to my managed keyword.
The more links, the better. Go to and check out the search engine.  Type "Pet Supplies" and see how the search engine works. It is awesome. Advertiser , Companies, Corporations and Individuals outside or inside of the company can pay Qkadoo a gazillion dollars to advertise by renting the Pet Supplies keyword.

Click on 'Quick Look' beneath some of the search entries. Those are advertisers who paid for the privilege to come up at the top because they rented the keyword phrase. So every time someone click through to that site, guess what? Whomever is managing the qkadoo keyword phrase "Pet Supplies" get paid. Every durn time! :)  There's a LOT more. There will be video training and education. So right now, just rack up on KEYWORDS!

From Lenny Coco:

"Let me give you some numbers, my first day I made 25$, the next morning I was over $250. and this second day I am over $400. I did buy close to 1000 keywords and spent at least 8 hours at the computer buying those words. 

I believe if you work hard in the beginning and manage your portfolio correctly you will earn at least 10 to 20k a month. Come and learn. "

Start by signing up with Qkadoo HERE

| Web |
| Image |
| Video |
| News |
| Sports |
| Audio |
| Wiki |
| PDF |
| Twitter |
| iTunes |

Qkadoo training. The video is not high quality but it is the first training. It will get better. 


When you sell a word to be managed by someone else, the price they pay to the company is 30% over the price you paid.
So if you buy a word for 50 cents, then the next guy pays 50 cents + 15 cents = 65 cents.
Company has gotta make some money right? So you can't get the whole 65 cents.
Here is what you get:
(the price you paid) + (30%profit * 30%commission)
In this case, it is:
(50 cents) + (15 cents * 30%) = 50 cents + 4.5 cents (about 5 cents) approximates 55 cents
You will see an entry for 50 cents and you will see an entry for your commission of  .05

REMEMBER  (*) We do NOT own words. We buy the right to manage them!

KEYWORDS - we do not "own" them - we are paying a fee to ensure that we can link content to the words - we will need to be sure the words have relevant content - meaning if we get the word and there is 100 links to it we need to click on those links and just take a look over and make sure the content has relevancy.  By each manager clicking on the links - this also builds the traffic up on each word or phrase.


.50              1 LINK
.65              2 LINKS
.85              3 LINKS
1.11            4 LINKS
1.44            5 LINKS
1.87            6 LINKS
2.43            7 LINKS
3.16            8 LINKS
4.11            9 LINKS
5.34          10 LINKS
6.94          11 LINKS
9.02          12 LINKS
11.73        13 LINKS
15.25        14 LINKS
19.83        15 LINKS
25.78        16 LINKS
33.51        17 LINKS
43.56        18 LINKS
56.63        19 LINKS
73.62        20 LINKS
95.71        21 LINKS
124.42      22 LINKS
161.75      23 LINKS
210.28      24 LINKS
273.36      25 LINKS
355.37      26 LINKS
461.98      27 LINKS
600.57      28 LINKS
780.74      29 LINKS
1014.96    30 LINKS
1319.45    31 LINKS


Here is how this works - if I pay QMF (Qkadoo Management Fee)  xm radio -  for .50 I get to link to it 1 time at no charge,  Pay the next QMF now I get to link to it 2 times for .65 and 1 time for .50.  Now if someone else Pay the next QMF of .85 they get to link to it 3 times.  I can Pay the next QMF of 1.11 and now I get to link to it 4 times - so currently a keyword at a QMF of 1.11 will have 10 links to it.

take this same example on a word in Qkadoo such as google that is currently up for management of 600.57 - Whoever takes on the management of this word - will now be able to link to it 28 times - every previous manager links to it as well - all in all this is 406 links up to this point.

So what happens from here - each link is attached to a manager - so all monies brought in through that link pays 20% to the manager - for instance if you are linked to affiliate content from the back office and a click brings in $5.00 you receive 20% of that.  If you are the manager of a word that has 406 links on it - and if each of the 406 links generated $5.00 a day from clicks - you would receive 20% on your own links and 20% on everyone else's which would be about $406.00 if you did that 30 days a month just on linking alone could be 12,180.00

There is a lot of moving pieces here - and it's crazy lucrative, especially if we pay attention to details and come to the training - I see how people became millionaires with Google.

They have found a major glitch with a word (keyword) - QMF is not being deducted from this individuals e-wallet - and so keyword is NOT at 2K that has to be adjusted, so you may see the site go up and down today as they finalize these things.

The Promotional bonus - that is for real folks, so just hold it will be delivered and this is a hot way to make some crazy money -


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