How to get Free Bitcoins

Get Free Bitcoin and Litecoin Now - Just For Joining!

You may have by now heard the term BitCoin.  It is exploding and will grow exponentially this year!  Do you already have a bitcoin address?  If not you can open create from here or here.   Coin base, the second option I just gave you is an exchange system that receives and holds your Bitcoins for you!  Coinbase opened in June, 2012, in San Francisco, and they already have 846,000 consumers, and 21,000 merchants.

Once you have created your Bitcoin Account you can now sign up at this firm, QoinPro, and get free Bitcoin daily, every 24 hours.  Refer people over there free, and you get even more.  Go get some Bitcoin, as this digital currency may end up in the long run more valuable and usable than the US dollar.  Did you miss buying loads of gold and silver before it got too expensive?  It is not too late to get Bitcoin, now is the time, and get it at no cost.  One guy put $1 US dollar in Bitcoin when it launched and it is worth now $124,000 US dollars.  This firm QoinPro pays you more digital currency when you refer people for free, and then they pay you a piece of whatever they pay your referrals too.

Here is a shot of the back office where I received not one kind, but 5 kinds of digital currency today, all free!  This happens every day at the same time that you would have created your account.

Coin Code Daily Coins Status
 Bitcoin BTC    0.00000001000 Unlocked, receiving daily
 Litecoin LTC    0.00000030687 Unlocked, receiving daily
 FeatherCoin FTC 0.00002419355 Unlocked, receiving daily
 FedoraCoin TIPS 0.39141087966 Automatically unlocks in 2 days 
 (Feb 28, 2014)
 InfiniteCoin IFC 0.02272727273 Automatically unlocks in 14 days

Then, they put 3 types in your account daily, a small amount, including Bitcoin! This is the spending currency of the future.   Read my older blogs below to get a background on Bitcoin, which, interestingly was based on a concept invented by Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb.

The second option to get free bitcoin daily can be found by going here this one allows you to  get free ones every hour. Just keep the page logged in and check back every hour. Type the word that is shown on the screen and click "ROLL". Easy. 

More About Bitcoin!

They say Thomas Edison, the inventor, was responsible for the idea and the earliest version of Bitcoin, but he called his version, "Edison money!"  Edison did not like the Federal Reserve and governments manipulating money and financial systems.  It was not until the computer and digital age that a truly successful version of Edison's plan could come forth. He saw something safer and more stable. Bitcoin is the world's most widely used alternative digital currency with a total market cap of approximately $9.7 billion. The bitcoin network is made up of thousands of computers run by individuals all over the world, and people mine it just like gold.  No government has any manipulative control over Bitcoins.

One guy bought $750 in Bitcoins and is sitting on a value of $210,000.  In fact, a single dollar put into it when first launched was recently worth $124,000.  Currently, Bitcoins total worldwide about $10 Billion dollars worth, but could go to $100 Billion by the end of 2014!  

If a financial system hit the ground running that was going to make millions of people millions of dollars, you would want to know about it, right?  In 2009, Bitcoin hit the nations as a method of exchange and it has been catching on fast ever since.  Bitcoin is more than just another PayPal or e-gold look alike. Bitcoins have historically gone up in value and many people have made millions by just buying a nominal amount of Bitcoins, like just a few dollars worth.  I am not saying you can do that anymore, but imagine if you could have money flowing into Bitcoins all the time. One Bitcoin right now is worth just under $1000.You can buy Bitcoins or mine them, (wait until you learn what hi-tech mining of Bitcoins is) or you can even earn them free.  There are even income projects that are set up to pay you in Bitcoins. 


Teddy Jones
Skype: ghettopriest1
Twitter: @TeddyAJones


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