Discipleship For The Long Haul: Building Through The Power of The Holy Spirit
I went to pick up my passport and visa from the French Embassy here in
Kingston. Afterwards, I stopped to get some lunch and catch up on some emails!
As I sat waiting for my order I saw an email from someone, one of my sons, who
I had lost touch with for over five years now!
Tom Stoke (name changed), was a talented football (soccer) and basketball player. Bill (name changed), the coach of the soccer team said to me one day, "Dad, you need to take that young man under your wings!" And so I did! Little did I know the pain and frustration it was going to cause me over the years but now JOY inexpressible!!!
I think it is fair to say that I have never tried harder to mentor someone who had so much potential but equally resisted what I tried to teach and show him! For Tom, there were always two issues: GIRLS/WOMEN (you can guess the rest) and an overwhelming fear of giving his life to Christ lest he backslide like other members of his family. And he, like most Caribbean males, did not, at the time, possess the foresight nor the will and discipline to overcome these demons! Until now!
Years ago, I finally gave up on Tom - in one sense! I left him alone to work out his issues without my prodding and pushing and cajoling. But he was not left bereft of my prayers! I simply decided to leave him to his desires and delights until he could see how foolish and useless those pursuits were without God and finally turn to God. Prayer became my weapon of choice to break him (and others by the way)!
Having not heard from him in years then, yet still sending him my emails, I was greatly interested to know why he was emailing me so I quickly opened his mail which started something like this: "I don't know where to start...." Tom gave a number and new email address and asked me to contact him. I recognized it as a US number in Florida and so quickly called!
He told me he was married now and had a son and was living in South Florida! He said, "Pops, my life has changed! I have come to see how I wasted my life in all those pursuits after women and sex. I said to myself, 'what was all that for?! What a waste! I could even have gotten some disease. And I don't want to bring up my child the way I lived my life. I am not there yet Pops but am working on it"
I must tell you, I was speechless! THAT is rare!! Since I was having lunch I told him I would call him later that evening which I did. It was more of the same and, as well, promises to come see me and take me out when I come to Florida next!
After hanging up the phone, the gentle voice of the Spirit said to me, "you know, you need to ask him what PREVENTS him from giving his life to Christ." So I quickly called him back and said, "son, since you said your life has changed and you are no longer doing the wild stuff you used to do, what stops you from giving your life to Christ?" I received the answer I had longed and prayed for these past 12 to 14 year perhaps! "Pops ABSOLUTELY nothing"
And so I prayed with Tom, my prodigal son, and led him home to the God who made him for His glory! What JOY! What blessing! And what anticipation when we will see each other later this year, God willing, in Florida!! Pure JOY!!!
So, rejoice with me at one who has come to Christ after many years, much rebellion, sin and many struggles! And learn that no matter how difficult our children or spiritual children or mentees or disciples may be, we must not give up on them! We may and sometimes MUST let them go to make their own decisions but we must NEVER stop praying for them! A lesson in perseverance and persistent faith and prayer! A lesson in discipleship for the long haul embracing the power of the Holy Spirit.
Tom Stoke (name changed), was a talented football (soccer) and basketball player. Bill (name changed), the coach of the soccer team said to me one day, "Dad, you need to take that young man under your wings!" And so I did! Little did I know the pain and frustration it was going to cause me over the years but now JOY inexpressible!!!
I think it is fair to say that I have never tried harder to mentor someone who had so much potential but equally resisted what I tried to teach and show him! For Tom, there were always two issues: GIRLS/WOMEN (you can guess the rest) and an overwhelming fear of giving his life to Christ lest he backslide like other members of his family. And he, like most Caribbean males, did not, at the time, possess the foresight nor the will and discipline to overcome these demons! Until now!
Years ago, I finally gave up on Tom - in one sense! I left him alone to work out his issues without my prodding and pushing and cajoling. But he was not left bereft of my prayers! I simply decided to leave him to his desires and delights until he could see how foolish and useless those pursuits were without God and finally turn to God. Prayer became my weapon of choice to break him (and others by the way)!
Having not heard from him in years then, yet still sending him my emails, I was greatly interested to know why he was emailing me so I quickly opened his mail which started something like this: "I don't know where to start...." Tom gave a number and new email address and asked me to contact him. I recognized it as a US number in Florida and so quickly called!
He told me he was married now and had a son and was living in South Florida! He said, "Pops, my life has changed! I have come to see how I wasted my life in all those pursuits after women and sex. I said to myself, 'what was all that for?! What a waste! I could even have gotten some disease. And I don't want to bring up my child the way I lived my life. I am not there yet Pops but am working on it"
I must tell you, I was speechless! THAT is rare!! Since I was having lunch I told him I would call him later that evening which I did. It was more of the same and, as well, promises to come see me and take me out when I come to Florida next!
After hanging up the phone, the gentle voice of the Spirit said to me, "you know, you need to ask him what PREVENTS him from giving his life to Christ." So I quickly called him back and said, "son, since you said your life has changed and you are no longer doing the wild stuff you used to do, what stops you from giving your life to Christ?" I received the answer I had longed and prayed for these past 12 to 14 year perhaps! "Pops ABSOLUTELY nothing"
And so I prayed with Tom, my prodigal son, and led him home to the God who made him for His glory! What JOY! What blessing! And what anticipation when we will see each other later this year, God willing, in Florida!! Pure JOY!!!
So, rejoice with me at one who has come to Christ after many years, much rebellion, sin and many struggles! And learn that no matter how difficult our children or spiritual children or mentees or disciples may be, we must not give up on them! We may and sometimes MUST let them go to make their own decisions but we must NEVER stop praying for them! A lesson in perseverance and persistent faith and prayer! A lesson in discipleship for the long haul embracing the power of the Holy Spirit.
Having nuanced by way of example what is implied in the first part
of the theme “the long haul” let me hasten to nuance “embracing the power of
the Holy Spirit” . As I grappled with the words of the theme of the
convention I couldn’t help but wonder about the possible undertones implied by
it. In particular the words “embracing
the Spirit”. Is it a call to the person
not yet a disciple of Jesus to open their heart to Jesus and His Spirit? Is it suggesting that there are those who are
already disciples of Jesus while down playing the presence and ministry of the
like to suggest to us that we come together today to agree that in the pursuit
of discipleship there is a distinctive quality of life that is produced when
one embraces the directives of the Spirit and to commit ourselves as the people
of God to embrace that way of life in order to have a sustainable discipleship
proposing this take on the theme I feel compelled to indicate what I think
embracing the Spirit should not be taken to mean lest we find ourselves
stranded on the same reef as many of in the Christian community.
think it is an important caveat to insert because there seems to be a
prevailing view that the Spirit is synonymous with noise, erratic movements,
randomness, emotional gush, forth and bubble.
one journeys from Acts to Revelation there is a clear and definite shift and
development of the writers’ understanding of the inner and outer manifestation
of the Spirit. The shift is away from the noise and the excitement to the quiet
“conversation” of a life that rejects the cravings of the flesh and embodies
the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5 is
a kind of crescendo in this regard, walk in the Spirit and you will not satisfy
the lust of the flesh. The emphasis
there is on a way of life that is grounded in morality and the ethical high
1: 11 God always does what he plans, and that’s why he appointed
Christ to choose us. 12 He did this so that we Jews
would bring honor to him and be the first ones to have hope because of
him. 13 Christ also brought you the truth, which is
the good news about how you can be saved. You put your faith in Christ and were
given the promised Holy Spirit to show that you belong to God. 14 The
Spirit also makes us sure that we will be given what God has stored up for his
people. Then we will be set free, and God will be honored and praised.
Paul’s Prayer
15 I
have heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God’s
people. 16 So I never stop being grateful for you,
as I mention you in my prayers. 17 I ask the
glorious Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ to give you his Spirit. The
Spirit will make you wise and let you understand what it means to know
God. 18 My prayer is that light will flood your
hearts and that you will understand the hope that was given to you when God
chose you. Then you will discover the glorious blessings that will be yours
together with all of God’s people.
19 I
want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us
followers. It is the same wonderful power he used 20 when
he raised Christ from death and let him sit at his right side[c] in heaven. 21 There
Christ rules over all forces, authorities, powers, and rulers. He rules over
all beings in this world and will rule in the future world as well. 22 God
has put all things under the power of Christ, and for the good of the church he
has made him the head of everything. 23 The church
is Christ’s body and is filled with Christ who completely fills everything.[d]
This text contains one of
the series of Powerful prayers the Apostle Paul prayed for his friends and
brethren in his letters to them. Today
I’d like to lift three of his desires for them to offer to us as we grapple
with this call to embrace the power of the Holy Spirit.
WISDOM FOR DISCIPLESHIP: The Spirit will make you
wise v.17a
He prays for the Spirit, as a "spirit of
wisdom"; who implants spiritual wisdom in the hearts of men, and instructs
them in the Gospel, leads them into all truths, and opens to them the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge, which are hid in Christ, the wisdom of God. Wisdom
is knowing the right thing to do and the courage to do it. This is what the
Spirit produces in us.
I’d like to suggest to us that if the believer
is going to be an effective witness in today’s world where the spirit of the
anti-Christ is already in operation. If the church is going to retain authentic
ministry impact and enjoy transformative influence we need to embrace the
wisdom of the Spirit. There is an
excellent Old Testament paradigm for this: The description of the sons of
Issachar “men who understood the times and knew what Israel needed to do” 2
Chron. 12: 32.
Do we understand the times in which we live and
do ministry today? Are we majoring in the minors while the world begs for
authentic ministry? Are we scratching where no one is itching? Murder, immorality, corruption, injustice…
Lottery scamming (what fuels it and what should be the response of the church),
the unemployment situation in Moy Hall, Grove… what should we do).
This was another part of the apostle's prayers
for the saints at Ephesus, that they might increase in divine knowledge. The idea here is not head knowledge, but what
is practical and experiential. Knowledge
that produces greater love for God, greater faith in Him and demonstrated by obedience
to him.
In the knowledge of Him: Our Christian life must be centered
around this purpose - to know God as He is in truth, as revealed by His Word;
and to correct our false, idolatrous ideas of who God is. The prayer of Paul is the opposite of what
the prosperity messengers are pushing, knowing God for what we can get out of
Him. Paul wants us to understand what it
really means to know God. A pursuit of God that leads to us becoming more like
Him, that leads to us growing up.
Paul lived by example so we hear him in Phil.
3… he is nearing the end of his life yet he cries out “I want to know Christ
and the power of His resurrection and share in the fellowship of His suffering”
DISCIPLESHIP 19 I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has
for us followers.
Paul wanted them to know how great the power of God is towards us who believe. Christians should know they serve and
love a God of living power who shows His strength on behalf of His people.
(Spurgeon) Many Christians do not know this power - or they only
know it from a distance. God wants resurrection life to be real in the life of the believer. “The very
same power which raised Christ is waiting to raise the drunkard from his
drunkenness, to raise the thief from his dishonesty, to raise the Pharisee from
his self-righteousness, to raise the Sadducee from his unbelief.”
In a seminary
missions class, Herbert Jackson told how, as a new missionary, he was assigned
a car that would not start without a push. After pondering his problem, he
devised a plan. He went to the school near his home, got permission to take
some children out of class, and had them push his car off. As he made his
rounds, he would either park on a hill or leave the engine running. He used
this ingenious procedure for two years.
Ill health
forced the Jackson family to leave, and a new missionary came to that station.
When Jackson proudly began to explain his arrangement for getting the car
started, the new man began looking under the hood. Before the explanation was
complete, the new missionary interrupted, "Why, Dr. Jackson, I believe the
only trouble is this loose cable." He gave the cable a twist, stepped into
the car, pushed the switch, and to Jackson's astonishment, the engine roared to
life. For two years needless trouble had become routine. The power was there
all the time. Only a loose connection kept Jackson from putting that power to
So this power, which is ours is an unbelievable, almost indescribable
power. The closest English transliteration we can arrive at from what Paul
writes here is that in knowing God, we have Mega - dynamic - energizing -
dominion giving - super power - endowed upon us because of our faith in and
knowledge of Christ. And his
prayer was that we may know what we have. Not what we may someday have, but
what we will have today.
God has not given us a spirit of fear but of
love, power and sund mind.
Closely linked with the wisdom to understand the
times and know what needs to be done is the courage that it requires to do what
needs to be done. This is where the prayer of Paul that we will know the
greatness of the power that is ours comes takes shape. I am under no cloud of illusion that the
context of ministry in Jamaica today requires men and women of courage. The
demons with which we have to contend are resolute and entrenched. Evil is
corporate, cultural and organized. May I
remind us though of what is our lot? “20 when he raised Christ from death and let him sit at his right
side[c] in heaven. 21 There Christ
rules over all forces, authorities, powers, and rulers. He rules over all
beings in this world and will rule in the future world as well. 22 God
has put all things under the power of Christ.
It is our duty to
embrace that reality and begin to act in that power.
Are we convinced that that power is available to rescue
homosexuals from the clutches of the strong delusion?
Can we embrace that same power to be able to set aside our
culturally induced prejudices against them to include them in our discipleship
Are we ready to embrace this power to take aim at the
corruption in politics?
Those who lead youth ministries must be convinced that this
power is theirs, available to them to take on and pull down the strong holds of
violence in lewdness in the music that
the teens that they lead feed their minds on.
Do we believe that the centuries old cycles of poverty that
define the communities in which some of our churches are located can be broken
as we begin to strategically plan and implement income generating activities
for the church and community?