A look inside the Trim Down Global Product

Introducing the TRIM down Global’s Product

Hey Blog followers and readers,
I just received very exciting news from the owner and founder of Trim Down Global, Wendy Bongalis-Royer.   This is what she had to say:
"Today I finally signed the contract with the Manufacturer of the TRIM down Fiber Plus+ product, so I wanted to make an announcement to our actual ingredients!  I have been diligently working with a Scientific Formulator for the last few months and I am so EXCITED about the final result!  During my last phone conference call with the formulator he mentioned that he hasn't been this excited in 18 years to make a product for someone and that the TRIM down Fiber Plus+ ingredients are going to work very well synergistically together!
I personally CANNOT WAIT to try this product!!   I’ve had the bottle design for a while now and I can’t even tell you how excited I am to share with you!
Here are the 3 main ingredients.  The focus or main ingredient is Yacon Root, I did a bit of research to share with you:"
Yacon Root Extract: 

What is a Yacon Root?

Yacon is a sweet tasting root vegetable or tuber (similar to a potato) that has been grown in the Andes of Peru for thousands of years. Yacon syrup is extracted from the yaconroots. Yacon has a pleasant slightly sweet flavor and crispy texture that has been compared to apples and watermelons.  Yacon has been eaten traditionally by rural people who eat it as a refreshing snack.  Yacon roots contain mostly water and a special type of healthy sugar called Fructooligosacharides (FOS).  This special type of  sugar is not digested by the body and therefore yacon does not elevate blood glucose levelsmaking it safe for diabetics and weight watchers.

Yacon’s Health Benefits

Fructooligosacharides (FOS) is also a prebiotic which helps create a healthy bacterial probiotic environment in the gut.  FOS also contains fiber which helps to prevent constipation and keeps the colon functioning well.  FOS has also been shown in animal studies to:
  • Promote calcium absorption
  • Reduce cholesterol levels
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Reduces cancerous lesions in the colon
Yacon roots and leaves are high in polyphenols.  Polyphenols are a type of anti-oxidant that has been shown useful in the prevention of cancer and heart disease.
Yacon Root is a member of the Sunflower family so if you are allergic to Sun Flower seeds please check with your doctor.
Our 2nd Ingredient is Glucomannan:
Glucomannan is a substance extracted from the root of the konjac (a plant native to Asia).Glucomannan is rich in soluble fiber, the type of dietary fiber that attracts water and turns to gel during digestion.
Glucomannan may help keep cholesterol in check, suggests a 2008 report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. After analyzing 14 clinical trials onglucomannan, the report’s authors concluded that glucomannan may lower total cholesterol and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. In addition, glucomannan appeared to reduce body weight and cut levels of triglycerides (harmful blood fats).
Being a soluble fiber, Glucomannan absorbs a great deal of water in the stomach, which is used to trick the body into feeling as if it is full. This helps curb appetite and regulates the digestive system.
Medical research has shown that Konjac foods have many positive health benefits. Some of the benefits include:
Control blood sugar levels
Reducing LDL cholesterol
Regulating the gastrointestinal tract
Weight Loss Properties
A Diabetic Friendly Food
Reducing Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Our 3rd main ingredient is Natural Raspberry Ketones
Raspberry Ketone is the name of an enzyme that is extracted from the tasty berries. Raspberries have been revered by indigenous people around the world for centuries, as they have seen how the tiny berries have powerful healing and health properties. Only recently was it discovered that the thing that makes raspberries so effective is the antioxidants they are full of, and Raspberry Ketone is a product made from these berries.Raspberry Ketone is an enzyme that helps the body to burn fat more effectively, making the product one of the most effective weight loss products on the market.
Thanks to the unique properties of the Raspberry Ketone enzyme, people are finding that they are much more easily able to shed extra pounds. Not only are the antioxidants contained in the product incredibly beneficial to the body, but the fat burning enzyme makes Raspberry Ketone one of the best weight loss products currently available. The product is designed to provide consumers with all of the benefits of the unique enzyme and antioxidant, and the Raspberry Ketone has helped many people improve their health and see excellent health benefits.
We have also added 2 other ingredients to help to get you on the road to becoming healthier:
Trace Minerals
Digestive Enzymes
I am so excited to take the TRIM down Fiber Plus+ product!  I cannot wait!
To learn more about this great product and how you can use it yourself as well as earn from it please contact me:
Skype: ghettopriest1
Tel. 876 826 1500
Teddy A. Jones


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