How To Earn Solid Residual Income

"You need to think differently about money to be financially free. If you have a house or car payment, you pay interest 365 days a year. It never stops but you only earn between 9-5, Monday-Friday.

It leads you to a dead end street. If stats say that about 98% of people are dead or dead broke when they "retire", I ask you why do you still go down the same path?

You need to think a different way.

I live in NYC. I notice that the banks are in the tallest, most expensive real estate in town. Right on the corner. The even buy out other businesses just to get there.


They understand leverage.

Most people are in business to create money and time freedom for
others, and not themselves." -Peter Wolfing

WorldWide SolutionZ – The Business Opportunity

The world is in the clutches of declining economies and many are losing hope.  In the midst of this many are eager to learn how to make money online.  I am excited to share the World Wide Solutionz opportunity with such persons. I am very excited at the success that this company has had and how they have been the lifeline that those who wanted to know how to work at home had been looking for. There are two main income options available to online members: The Kickstart Your Dream plan and the Life Jacket system.

The Kickstart Your Dream Plan


  • Earn UP TO 60% in 90 Days With Your Purchase Price Returned – No Referrals Needed
  • Not a HYIP or Revenue Share Program ~ REAL Family Business that is Obtaining Financial Entity Status
  • NO Product Selling to your neighbors! Real Products & Services that generate income for you and the company. Company was established in 1999.
  • Trusted and Respected Admin with a worldwide track record of HONESTY & SUCCESS and always paying out Each and Every Sunday.
  • Legal Team always making sure we are in compliance with existing Laws.
  • Legally registered South African company whose Financial Books are checked and balanced weekly, audits get done preparing for financial year end in February for Taxes and during the year as needed to maintain the integrity and longevity of WWSz and help us with planning and forecasts.

Membership in WorldWide SolutionZ requires signing up for Kickstart. Initial sign up is free. You are welcome to join us without obligation for a period of 90 days. Those who wish to continue membership must pay the $25 Kickstart registration fee prior to expiration of the 90-day trial period. Unpaid accounts are closed after 90 days and the resulting vacated matrix spots are assigned to new paid members to keep the matrix active and balanced. Payment of the registration fee is required in order to access any earned commissions and to participate in the Life Jacket system.
The Kickstart registration fees constitute the main income source for funding our feeding programs. The Kickstart matrix pays you commissions when members below you pay their registration fee. It also pays you in the form of non-monetary benefits when you achieve certain milestones in filling your matrix.
Recruiting is not required in order to progress through the matrix. However, anything you can do to encourage more people to join us in our efforts will propel you through your matrix levels more quickly than if you rely solely on spillover to fill your matrix. Our best guess is that it could take up to 3 years or more for spillover to complete a member’s matrix. Click here to learn more about the Kickstart Your Dream plan

The Life Jacket System

The Life Jacket system is an optional benefit available to members who have paid the Kickstart registration fee. This is an Angel Support system and does not include sponsorship or commission structures. Member contributions are pooled to fund micro-franchising for job creation and small business development.
Recipients of assistance provided by this system pay ongoing royalty fees or franchise fees. This steady income provides WWSz the ability to expand the business platform and extend services to ever increasing numbers.
This is also the source of the Gratitude Tokens distributed to the members on a weekly basis as gratitude for helping us help others. Gratitude Tokens are exchanged for currency at the time of withdrawal from your eWallet. 

"Do you want to hear something cool?  I had a setback. The Long Term Disability company isn't currently paying my monthly disability  ($5,700) because some paperwork wasn't turned in on time.  No problem because of the money I am earning with WWSz!" - My Upline

We have two business options available for member participation:
The Kickstart Your Dream matrix and the Life Jacket system.

1) The Kickstart Your Dream Matrix
The Kickstart matrix is what funds our food drives. Everyone in Kickstart can earn commissions. Upgraded members have access to earned commissions. As members progress through the matrix, they can earn benefits in the form of products. These products generate commissions for WorldWide SolutionZ and members.

Kickstart Your Dream Plan

The Kickstart plan serves two purposes:
  1. A portion of every registration payment is allocated to support our feeding programs.
  2. The Kickstart provides members with income and benefits while they help us help others.
When you sign up for the Kickstart Your Dream plan, you adopt a spot in the Kickstart matrix. It is a company forced matrix. This means that every spot in your 5 x 8 matrix is co-owned by up to 7 additional people who share a vested interest in filling that spot (depending on how many levels are between you and the company’s first level).
New members can join for free and begin to build their downlines if they choose to be active. Earned commissions will accumulate during this time. As soon as you pay the $25 registration fee (Kickstart upgrade), you will have access to earned commissions which are then immediately withdrawable. (Limits apply.)
To keep the matrix strong and productive any unpaid account older than 90 days is closed and the member’s access is blocked. Any earned commissions are forfeited. The matrix spot is then filled with a new paid member. The new member inherits any existing downline and WWSz uses any forfeited commissions to expand that downline.
Paid members can choose to be totally passive but must understand that while spillover does happen and will eventually add members to their downline, there is no guaranteed time frame for earning commissions in this manner.
Members in search of passive income will do well to learn about and participate in the Life Jacket system.

2) The Life Jacket System
The Life Jacket System is a benefit that is available for qualified WWSz members. Qualification is easy: simply pay the Kickstart registration fee. Participation in the Life Jacket system requires a separate registration fee.

This is an Angel Support platform for Micro Franchising. Participants in the Life Jacket system can earn an income (the 5%) based on purchasing and owning Life Jackets. This payment is a token of gratitude that we pay weekly thanking you for helping us give a hand up to those in need who want to help themselves.

The Life Jacket system is not at all dependent on membership growth. We could, theoretically, close the doors on Life Jacket membership today and keep going indefinitely with what we already have in place.

The Life Jacket System

The Life Jacket system is only available to WWSz members who have paid the Kickstart registration fee. It is an Angel Support platform and does not include sponsorship or commission structures. Member contributions are pooled to fund micro-franchising for job creation and small business development. Recipients of assistance provided by this system pay ongoing royalty fees or franchise fees. This steady income provides WWSz the ability to expand the business platform and extend services to ever increasing numbers. This is also the source of the Gratitude Tokens distributed to the members on a weekly basis as gratitude for helping us help others. Gratitude Tokens are exchanged for currency at the time of withdrawal from your eWallet.
Registration for the Life Jacket system is $25. This is a separate registration fee in addition to the $25 paid for the Kickstart registration. There is a $10 renewal fee after 270 days and every 90 days thereafter. Anyone who has paid the registration fee can purchase Life Jackets for $25 each up to a total of $25k out of pocket at any given time. There is currently no limit for repurchasing using funds generated by your WWSz account. Please be advised that limits will be imposed as required to maintain compliance. We will announce details if and when such changes become necessary. 

  Please view the slide show below that shows you in graphic format how this works.

Now, Let's Talk Business 

Our mission and purpose is to help individuals anywhere in the world who need to generate an income for themselves and to care for their families as we grow. We also aim to directly provide for children who do not have anyone to care for them. To do that on a large scale requires much more funding than we have access to with our own resources. Expanding our business to include an online membership represents virtually unlimited funding for expansion in reaching hundreds and thousands of individuals.

So how does Micro Franchising fit in here? Most people are familiar with the McDonald's restaurant chain, which is in fact one of the world's premier franchising companies. It is public knowledge that some of those stores are company-owned, some are independently owned and operated, and some are franchises. Obviously with good financial management, McDonald's corporation stands to generate increasing income over time by adding more and more company stores and franchise stores, and using those profits to continue to expand their overall business.

Micro franchising operates on the same concept scaled down to much smaller businesses and profit centers. It is self-sustaining and self-perpetuating, supporting organic growth on any scale.

With the money that members pay for Life Jackets, we set up and buy into businesses and business opportunities that generate income. All or partial ownership in some of these businesses is offered to would-be business owners on a franchise basis. In exchange for the opportunity, training, and ongoing support, the franchise owner pays WWSz ongoing franchise fees for as long as the business is in operation. ***This steady income is one of the income streams where the money comes from to pay the Life Jacket members. ***

The more money that is engaged in the Life Jacket system, the more of these small businesses we can establish. With more people participating and contributing we can grow bigger, faster, to reach and help as many people as possible as quickly as possible. 

Everyone benefits. Our members benefit from receiving a return on money they engage in the Life Jacket system. Individuals who participate in managing the small businesses benefit from income they receive in exchange for their efforts. Their families benefit because now there is an income-earner who can provide for them.

We have a proven business model that is fulfilling our intent to provide a way for individuals both online and offline to generate meaningful income for themselves and the people in their care.

For those who want to insist on details of exactly how we do this, exactly who our business contacts are, exactly what products are involved in the small businesses, exactly how we manage the finances, exactly how the whole thing is put together, to those people we must kindly say: Thank you for your interest, and thank you for understanding that this is our business. We have built this business over the last 15 years and we are not going to give away the keys. To that end, WorldWide SolutionZ reserves the right to hold private any and all proprietary information as is customary for all business entities. As we move forward we are releasing more information to help you feel safe and confident in your involvement in the WWSz Business World.

Is this business for everyone? Yes – if they are able to grasp the concept and agree with our mission. Everyone is welcome in his or her own time. We will be here. We will keep doing what we do because it is our vision, and because it is working. 

Costs and Fees

Registration Fees:
The Kickstart Your Dream Plan: $25
The Life Jacket System: $25
Renewal Fees:
Life Jacket System: $10 after 270 days, and every 90 days thereafter.
Life Jacket Purchase Cost:
$25 each
Withdrawal Fees:
5% deducted from requested withdrawal amount prior to paying to payment processor.
Bank Wire and Western Union transfers for deposit and withdrawal are subject to additional fees as well as buy / sell currency exchange rates. Be sure to obtain complete instructions and details prior to initiating any such transfer

WWSz is a REAL business with a REAL PHYSICAL Office in South Africa. Office Address: St Georges Court, Shop 1, Marine Drive, 4625 Margate,
KwaZula-Natal, South Africa
Office Phone Number:   +27 039 312 0131


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